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Web frameworks make the web development process easier than ever before as the demand for web and apps is increasing as well as complexity.
No matter whether you’re a developer or a business, you’d be faced with the challenge of selecting the best web development framework for your project.
Fortunately, in this article, we will list the trending web development framework in 2022.
Before we get started, let us define web development frameworks so that we can follow along with the rest of the article.
A web framework aka web application framework is a framework for software developers to build and manage web applications, web services, and websites.
Web framework includes resources and tools that help software developers to guide them on how to build and manage things in the development process.
Web framework eases the complexity of web development as it is used to automate menial activities typically performed within web development.
In short, it simplifies the web development process, and therefore, makes it easier to build a website.
Get expert consultation for website development at enAct eServices with exciting and budget-friendly framework suggestions.
Generally, web frameworks are of two types: Front End framework (client-side and back-end framework (server-side). But some frameworks are compatible with both development ends, they are known as full-stack frameworks.
Here, we will understand the front-end framework (client-side and back-end framework (server-side).
Front-end Framework
The front-end framework known as the Client-Side framework helps with the user interfaces. This framework provides plenty of options for the best user interfaces.
User experience on the website is an essential thing to be considered while developing a website or app.
Therefore, front-end frameworks are used that provide interactive and user-centric websites.
Back-end Framework
Back-end frameworks known as Server-side frameworks are a set of tools and modules that help developers to create websites.
The back-end includes all the technical aspects of a website or app such as the server, the database, and the code that interacts with them.
The server-side framework is the base for any website or app building, without a back-end framework, the front-end cannot exist.
Web frameworks are important for web development, but picking the best web development frameworks for your project is very difficult especially if you have multiple options.
To ease your task, we have put together a list of trending web development frameworks to simplify your development process, along with its pros and cons to help you choose the best among the rest.
React is an open-source framework developed and maintained by Facebook. React is a very popular framework technology because it works on the “Learn Once, Write Anywhere” approach.
This approach is one of the easiest approaches to developing software as react developers don’t need to do coding differently for different platforms such as Websites, Apps, and Web Applications.
This framework is the best UI framework of 2022, used by a large number of frontend developers according to Stack Overflow Developer’s survey 2021.
React is the best framework used for front-end web development projects based on JavaScript language. A front-end framework, React is unique because of its Virtual Document Object Model (DOM), which shows its excellent functionality.
This framework is perfect for those who want high traffic, and require a steady platform to manage it.
Furthermore, this framework is user-friendly for new developers-available guides also help to deal with any complications that happen during the learning process.
If you want to build single-page apps with a rich user interface then React is the best choice to go with.
It is the most robust front-end framework when you need to make an interactive interface with less time since it supports reusable components.
Popular platforms that use React Framework are;
Did You Know?
React.js is the world’s most used framework that overtook jQuery in 2022. According to Survey, 40.14 percent of respondents reported using React.js, while 34.43 percent were using jQuery.
Angular is one of the trending frameworks for front-end web development based on TypeScript.
The Angular Framework was created by Google in 2016 to bridge the gap between the increasing demands of technology and conventional notions that displayed the results.
Google has simplified the web development process with Angular; therefore it is more prevalent among software developers for front-end development.
The use of TypeScript also makes this the best framework for building enterprise-level applications.
Unlike React, Angular is exclusive with its two-way data binding trait.
This means that there is real-time synchronization between view and model, where any changes in the model are replicated immediately on the view and vice versa.
In addition to time-saving, angular apps provide a faster loading time, which means no wait for app opening.
Popular platforms that use Angular Framework are;
If you’re looking for a simple framework then Vue.js is perfect. It is worthy of eliminating the intricacies that Angular software developers face.
It comes with two main benefits which are visual DOM and component-based. It also employs two-way data binding, its frontend framework is versatile, and it helps you with various tasks while building web applications.
Developers use the Vue.js framework to create single-page applications (SPAs) and Progressive web apps (PWA) as it’s easy to learn and integrate with any existing JS apps.
Vue.js is an HTML-based template that compiles templates into Virtual DOM render capabilities, which simplifies user interface development. It is lighter than React and Angular but offers high speed.
The difference between Vue and React is that Vue is a JS framework whereas React is a JS library.
Hence Vue is considered more suitable for large projects.
Although Vue is built to tackle complexities and enhance app performance, it is not very popular amongst the industry’s giants yet.
Similarly, Vue improves the performance and usability of Angular when compared to Angular vs Vue.js.
Popular platforms that use Vue Framework are;
JQuery is an open-source front-end framework introduced in 2006. Since its release in 2006, it has gained a lot of popularity as a default of its rich features.
jQuery is known for simplifying the interaction between HTML elements and JavaScript code. Not only does JQuery present ease of use, but it also diminishes the requirement to script wide-ranging JavaScript codes.
Basically, jQuery is utilized to operate DOM and CSS manipulation on the frontend and to augment the interactivity and functionality of a website.
This framework is regarded as a “one line of code” style of hundreds of regulations. Its syntax is clean, precise, and effective.
This frontend framework is even better than JavaScript at event handling, virtual DOM manipulation and Ajax calls.
What we like about jQuery is that it adheres to SEO-friendly practices.
In addition, jQuery helps developers with custom code, methods, and third-party integration using its simple plug-in architecture.
This web development framework is utilized in building desktop-based JavaScript apps.
Popular platforms that use the JQuery Framework are;
Ruby on Rails is a dynamic web application framework used for developing a high-speed application. David Heinemeier Hansson discovered Ruby on Rails in August 2004. Ruby on Rails applications are normally ten times faster and are considered one of the best back-end frameworks as it comprises everything that is required to develop a database-driven application.
Popular websites that use Ruby on Rails Framework are;
Not only this, but you can also explore the top companies that use Ruby on Rails for their websites and apps. We use the Ruby on Rails framework for web development. For more details on the RoR framework, connect with the US!
Larval’s USPs are its simplicity, elegance, and readability. Taylor Otwell developed Laravel in 2011. It operates on an MVC architectural approach that employs PHP, similar to other modern development frameworks.
Laravel comes with API support and contains a good quantity of packages that could expand its reach. Laracasts is a tutorial website with thousands of videos on Laravel, PHP, and frontend technologies in the ecosystem of Laravel. This framework includes multiple features such as dependency injection and server-side rendering. Laravel is the best back-end framework for small web apps and websites.
Popular platforms that use Laravel Framework are;
Spring is one of the popular back-end frameworks invented by Pivotal Software. Built for the Java platform, you can form simple, flexible, and fast applications and systems with the Spring framework. Though it doesn’t require any specific programming language, this backend framework has gained popularity in the Java community, adding the Enterprise JavaBeans model. Although Java programmers can use its main features, the extensions help in forming apps on top of the Java Enterprise Edition platform.
The best part of spring is robust backend development (full-stack as well). Its exciting features like reusable code, inversion of control, and a host of structural features make it an ideal framework for creating middleware.
The developers majorly use the Spring framework for creating high-performing and vigorous applications. However, this framework is widely used for small or large-scale web applications with rich dev tools (developer tools or development tools, short for dev tools) to make coding simpler.
Popular platforms that use Spring Framework are;
Flutter is the most trending web development framework in 2022 developed by Google. It is specially designed for front-end development. It is a free and open-source mobile UI framework (SDK) created by Google and released in May 2017
Flutter is very popular among developers with its ease and flexibility for developing web and mobile applications. Flutter framework allows developers to create a native mobile application with only one codebase, which means that one programming language and one codebase can be used to create two different apps (for iOS and Android).
The flutter framework includes both a software development kit (SDK) and a widget-based UI library. It is based on a programming language called Dart. With a syntax like JavaScript, Dart is a typed object programming language that focuses on front-end development.
Popular platforms that use Flutter Framework are;
You can find various web development frameworks in this article.
We have gathered the best framework which can be used in the future also.
But, Flutter is the one that is becoming popular among all the development frameworks as users find it an easy and quick solution for web development.
In addition, Rails, React, Angular, and Spring frameworks may also be used soon.
Before you jump to use any web development framework make sure you have enough information about a particular framework.
I hope this guide will provide you with enough information to decide which framework you’re going to use for your web development.